What are the benefits of retirement planning?

QuestionsWhat are the benefits of retirement planning?
Nikhil Rawat asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Priya Vishwas answered 2 years ago
Retirement planning is a process that involves determining how much money you need to set aside for retirement.  It has the following benefits:
  • It yields returns
  • It provides a regular source of income 
  • It enables you to live a stress free life
  • It is cost saving. 
Akshaj Singh answered 2 years ago
Retirement planning is the process of determining how much money one will need to support oneself in retirement. There are many benefits of doing this, including: - Higher savings rates - More time for other activities - Reduced stress on finances  
Deepak Goyal answered 2 years ago
Retirement planning can be difficult for many people because it requires taking into account many different variables. However, the benefits of retirement planning are worth it. It ensures that you have enough money to live comfortably in your golden years and avoid any financial hardships. It helps to prepare for financial uncertainties like inflation, market volatility, and longevity risk as well as maximizing your potential for tax-deferred compounding growth.