What do you understand by portfolio analysis?

QuestionsWhat do you understand by portfolio analysis?
Deepak Goyal asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Akshaj Singh answered 2 years ago
A portfolio analysis is a way of evaluating an individual’s job performance. It is a collection of the different projects that they have worked on and the skills they possess. Portfolio analysis can be used to evaluate an individual’s job performance. It is a collection of the different projects that they have worked on and the skills they possess.  
Nikhil Rawat answered 2 years ago
A portfolio analysis is a way to assess your skills and capabilities for the purpose of finding out what is needed in the industry. A portfolio analysis can be done by a recruiter, an employer, or an educational institution. A portfolio analysis helps employers to identify how well someone has performed in their career and what their future potential might be. It also provides insight about what kind of work environment best suits them, for example, whether it would be better for them to work in-house or out-of-house.
Priya Vishwas answered 2 years ago
Portfolio analysis is the process of evaluating an individual's work and progress. It is a way to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an individual's skills and abilities. The main purpose of a portfolio is to show potential employers that the applicant has a high level of skill in their chosen field. A portfolio will typically include examples of work that has been completed by the individual as well as samples from their creative process.