What is a collective investment scheme as per SEBI Act?

QuestionsWhat is a collective investment scheme as per SEBI Act?
Akshaj Singh asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Priya Vishwas answered 2 years ago
A collective investment scheme is a plan of investing in securities to generate returns. It consists of several investors pooled together and they commit their funds to invest in securities. These schemes may be open-ended or closed-ended, with the latter being most common in India.  
Nikhil Rawat answered 2 years ago
A collective investment scheme is a type of investment fund where investors pool their money to invest in a particular asset. In India, this is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992.  
Deepak Goyal answered 2 years ago
As per the SEBI act, of 1992 a collective investment scheme is a financial product that gives investors the opportunity to invest in a pool of funds (usually from multiple investors) and receive an agreed profit or income from these investments.