What are the advantages of democratic leadership?

QuestionsWhat are the advantages of democratic leadership?
Deepak Goyal asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Akshaj Singh answered 2 years ago
There are numerous advantages of democratic leadership. Some of them are: 
  • Efficient problem-solving.
  • Strengthen team relationship
  • Job satisfaction among employee
  • Priority to the work. 
Nikhil Rawat answered 2 years ago
Democratic leadership serves the following advantages: 
  • Encourages innovation on a large scale.
  • Builds team relationships and removes the spaces for misunderstanding. 
  • Increases the honesty and productivity of staff.
Priya Vishwas answered 2 years ago
Democratic leadership is one of the amazing styles of leadership. It focuses on the needs and preferences of the employee, increases job satisfaction, brings creativity, strengthens the human relationship, and allows employees to remove the room for errors. Also, it prioritizes the concept of “human resources are the most important assets of the organization.”