What is unsystematic risk?

QuestionsWhat is unsystematic risk?
Deepak Goyal asked 2 years ago
3 Answers
Akshaj Singh answered 2 years ago
Unsystematic risk is the risk of events that are not predictable and can occur at any time. Examples of unsystematic risks are the market crash, war, terrorism and pandemics. Unsystematic risks have a high impact on the economy. Unsystematic risks have a high impact on the economy because they can happen at any time and they are unpredictable.  
Nikhil Rawat answered 2 years ago
Unsystematic risk is the risk that has not been analyzed and planned for. It is a risk that cannot be predicted or managed. The term unsystematic risk is often used to describe a risk that has not been identified, assessed, or planned for. It may also refer to a risk that cannot be predicted or managed.  
Priya Vishwas answered 2 years ago
Unsystematic risk is a term used in business to describe risks that are not well understood, or not well measured. Unsystematic risk often occurs due to lack of understanding of the situation, which makes it difficult for managers and other stakeholders to make decisions on what actions should be taken.