Meaning of Management Accounting
Management accounting is a specialized branch of accounting which helps management in decision making by supplying relevant accounting information. This is an accounting branch that records various financial and statistical data and presents this data in the form of reports to the internal management for better decision making.
Advantages of Management Accounting
Better Decision Making
Management accounting helps in effective decision making for an organization. It supplies all required information in the form of charts, tables, and forecasts to the management team. All this information enables managers in performing detailed analysis and taking correct decisions.
Increase Business Efficiency
It aims at increasing the overall efficiency of the business. Management accounting using scientific techniques evaluates the performance of the business and detects deviations and problems. It takes corrective measures accordingly to remove defects that enhance business productivity.
Simplify Financial Statements
This accounting branch simplifies the information contained in financial statements. Management accountant properly studies financial statements and presents all data to managers in the forms of simplified tables or charts for better understanding.
Raises profitability
Management accounting assists in increasing business profitability. It enables in cutting the extra expenditure involved in business activities using capital budgeting and budgetary control. Companies are able to reduce the cost of their products and earn better profits on them.
Motivates Employees
Management accounting serves as a tool for motivating employees. It prepares and presents periodic reports regarding operations of the business to the management team. Managers are easily able to evaluate the performance of employees and takes decision regarding promoting or demoting them accordingly.
Cost Transparency
Transparency of cost is another important role played by management accounting. It properly monitors all cash inflows and outflows of business and ensures that there is no misuse of money. Management accounting works closely with the IT department to ensure that all expenses are within budget.
The information provides by management accounting is reliable as it uses proper scientific tools for analysis purposes. Accurate and genuine information available to managers enables them to the effective management of business affairs.

Disadvantages of Management Accounting
Lack of Specific Procedure
Management accounting does not have any specific rules and principles to follow. In the absence of any guideline, this branch of accounting may provide inaccurate data.
The installation of a management accounting system requires huge expenses as they need to hire a management accountant. Such high costs cannot be bear by small business organizations.
Management accounting is dependent upon financial and cost accounting for various data. The authenticity of the information provided by management accounting completely depends upon the accuracy of records maintained by cost and financial accounting.
Personal Bias
This accounting branch is subject to personal bias and prejudices by management. The effectiveness of management accounting may be affected by the interpretation and analysis capability of individuals.
Management accounting is related to the future as it provides data for management and planning of future activities. However, the future is uncertain and management accounting may not provide effective results.
Provides Only Data
It only supplies data to management but does not provide any plan of action or decision. Management accounting cannot substitute the role of management and can only help them in their role by providing the required data.