What is Recruitment?
Recruitment is a very broad and very important process for any organization. It is the process of finding the most suited and eligible candidates depending on their skills and then inducing them to apply for the job openings in the organization. Sources of Recruitment are the sources where the organization find the personnel for work
In other words, it can be defined as a method of shortlisting the most appropriate candidates from a large number of applicants for a particular job and then selecting & appointing the right person for the right job. It is a very important process as it saves both time and resources of the organization in selecting the right candidates.
As in today’s time, one of the scarce resources is human resources and it is very difficult to find the perfect person for a particular job. In order to make this process, easier organizations are nowadays approaching the consultancies in search of most skilled and best candidates for their organization in order to face the competition.
However, contacting recruitment agencies may prove fruitful for one organization and not for others as it is expensive.
Sources of Recruitment
Internal Sources of Recruitment
It means recruitment done through internal sources of the organization. It involves inducing the present working members of the organization to apply for the vacancies in the organization.
Information regarding the job vacancies and their openings are informed to the employees either through advertisement which is done internally or communicated by the top-level employees to a low level and this hierarchy follows.
This method is very efficient as it saves both cost and time and is used by many organizations. Different ways of internal recruitment are as follows:

Employees Transfers
It involves the transfers of the present working employees with no change in designation to other departments and parts of the organization. It does not result in any kind of change in responsibility, payback, and position. It helps in filling the positions efficiently internally.
Employees Promotions
It involves filling the position by promoting the most efficient and skilled workers to a higher level and also results in motivating the employees for better performance as it results in payback increment, improves their status and responsibility.
Employees demotions.
It can be just termed as opposite of the promotion process. Sometimes many employees of the organization do not perform well and it is very important to take step regarding lowering their position by the concerned management team. It can serve the need for the lower ranks jobs.
Asking current employees
Under it, the working candidates are asked to inform about the current openings to their knowns ones. It is followed by any organization.
Contacting the old retired employees.
Sometimes the organizations are not able to find adequate individuals as per their requirement so in that case, they contact their retired members for joining back for carrying out their goals.
also read
Internal sources of recruitment and its advantages & Disadvantages
External Sources of Recruitment
It means recruitment done through external sources. It involves inducing the individuals externally for applying in the job opening of the company. Information regarding the vacancies is informed externally through various means like an advertisement, job fairs, and portals, websites of the company, recruitment conducted on campuses. Various external means are:

Advertisement through media
In the search for the most appropriate individuals for the vacant position, a notification regarding the vacancies is placed over to attract the most suited candidates. Notification regarding vacancy can be circulated through electronic or print media and is considered as a cheaper means.
Websites of the organization
With the increasing globalization and competition all over, the demand for most efficient employees is increasing. To save cost and time involved in the recruitment process, companies are attracting individuals by designing up their own websites and following procedures through it.
Fairs and interviews
Interviews and fairs for the recruitment process are notified and
accordingly held by the corporations in order to get the best individuals. This method saves companies from undergoing the bulk process and saves time.
Interviews in College Campuses.
This is one of the best and cheap sources of recruitment followed by companies. It helps in finding more talented and enthusiastic individuals with less effort. This method is best for both the individual and the organization.
Approaching recruitment agencies
Under these companies contact the agencies assisting in recruitment processes. It saves the companies time and resources as these agencies shortlist the most suited candidates from the large pool by using various filtering processes. One of the major disadvantages is the fees charged by these agencies.
Use of social media
Companies use social sites for informing about the job openings which help in getting the most skilled individuals for the organization.
Placing notification on gates of the factory
This is one of the most used methods in getting the unskilled labourers by the companies. Basically, a notification displaying the information regarding the vacancies and number of individuals required is placed on factory gate. This is a very time saving and economical method in getting unskilled labours.