Understanding the Johari Window Model


What is Johari Window Model?

Johari window is a popular framework for understanding the dynamics of Interpersonal relations. This model was developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham and the term “Johari” was coined by combining the first few letters of their names.

Johari Window is made up of four different quadrants that together represent total person in relations to others on the basis awareness of behaviour, feelings, needs and the like. Sometimes, awareness forms a shared thing and sometimes, it does not. There may be something which an individual knows about the others and something he or she does not know. As awareness changes among parties to a relationship, the quadrant indicating the prevailing psychological conditions will also changes.

Understanding the Johari Window Model

Open Self 

This concept reflects behaviors, feelings, and motivation known, both to oneself and others. In other words, an individual knows about himself or herself, and about others. This type of interaction is marked by openness and compatibility and has very little possibility for defensive behavior and feeling.

Blind Self

It reflects behaviors, feeling and motivation known to other parties but not to self. In other words, in this form of interaction, the individual knows about others but not about himself or herself. This individual irritates others unintentionally ;  although the letter could tell the former about this aspect, one may be afraid of hurting his or her feelings.

Hidden Self 

It reflects behaviours, feeling and motivation known to self but not to others. In other words, the individual understands himself or herself but does not know about the other persons. Consequently, the individual tends to be hidden from others for fear of their reactions. The true feelings or attitudes of the individual may remain a secret from others.

Undiscovered Self 

It reflects behaviour, feeling and motivation known neither to self nor to other parties. In other words, the individual does not know about himself or herself, and does not know about others. This form of interaction is highly explosive.