Advantages and Disadvantages of Laissez-Faire Leadership


What is Laissez-Faire Leadership?

In, laissez-faire leadership leader gives all power to his subordinates to act on their own. The leader defines goals and the limitations for action and then leaves the remaining process. In this kind of leadership mostly leader makes new contacts with outside people. To bring in information to the group members.

Advantages of Laissez-Faire Leadership

Freedom to Make Decisions

Laissez-faire leadership gives authority to employees to take the decision. The Laissez-Faire style is suitable in situations when members are more knowledgeable than the leader. it also makes employees more skilled and trustful.

Brings Creativity

laissez-faire leadership helps to bring creativity in the organization. Because when the leader gives freedom to employees, they started taking new initiatives for the company and brings new ideas.


When the leader works to make new connections for the company, it brings new outside ideas and talents which helps the employees to work with updated fashions. So, Networking helps the company to grow.

Disadvantages of Laissez-Faire Leadership

Lack of Role Awareness

In some situations, the laissez-faire style fails to identify the role of particular, that leads towards the poor performance of the group. Team members receive information with no guidance, they might not really be sure about their role within the group.

Low Accountability

Some leaders take advantages of this style because when the group members fail to reach the goal. they started blaming the group members. That decreases the motivational level of the members.


When employees are unfamiliar with their task, they will not make as much of an effort as they can. So, the leader allocates the duty and responsibility in proper ways.

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