Barriers of Communication in Management


The Problem of communication arises because there are various obstacles which may entirely prevent a communication, filter part of it out, or give it incorrect meaning. These obstacles are known as communication barriers.

There are many barriers which come in communication of management :

Semantic Barriers

Semantics is the science of meaning, as contrasted with phonetic, the science of sounds. All communication are symbolic, that is, these use symbols (words, pictures, action, etc.) that suggest certain meanings, semantic barriers arise from limitations in the symbols with which we communicate. Following types of semantic barriers are more prominent :

  1. Symbols with Different Meanings.
  2. Badly Expressed Message.
  3. Faulty Translations.
  4. Unclarified Assumptions.
  5. Specialist’s Language.

Emotional or Psychological Barriers

Emotional or psychological factors are the prime barriers in interpersonal communication. Some emotional barriers are as follows:

  1. Premature Evaluation
  2. Inattention
  3. Loss by Transmission and Poor Retention.
  4. Undue Reliance on the Written Word
  5. Distrust of Communicator
  6. Failure to communicate

Organisational Barriers

An organization being a deliberate creation for the attainment of certain specified objectives; day-to-day happenings within it require being regulated in such a manner that they contribute to attain these such a manner that they contribute to attain these objectives in the most efficient manner. Major organisational barriers may be as follows:

  1. Organisational Policy
  2. organisational Rules and Regulations.
  3. Status Relationships
  4. Complexity in Organisational Structure.
  5. organizational Facilities

Personal Barriers

  1. Attitudes of Superiors
  2. Fear of Challenges to Authority
  3. Insistence on Proper Channel
  4. Lack of Confidence in Subordinates
  5. Ignoring Communication
  6. Lack of Time
  7. Lack of Awareness.

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