What is Organisational Behavior
Organisational Behaviour simply is a process of studying and understanding the behaviour of individuals in the organisation. It is a part of the management process which aims at improving the performance of organisations through understanding and controlling human behaviour. It is through the organisational behaviour that organisations are able to understand the behaviour of the people working with them.
Once they get to know about their peoples, organisations can easily influence and motivating them towards achievement of goals. It helps to improve the relations between the people working in an organisation and increase their efficiency.
There are two main factors which are studied under organisation behaviour term: Individual’s nature and the organisation’s nature. After understanding both the terms properly efforts are made to develop better compatibility between these 2 terms.
Key Elements of Organisational Behavior
There are basically 4 elements which are studied under the term “Organisational Behaviour”. These are People, Structure, Technology and Environment. The elements are discussed below:

People refer to different employees working in organisations. These peoples work as either individually or in groups and make up the whole working structure of the organisation.
These are very important factor and as there is no alternative available in place of its employees for the companies. Employees help in achieving the objectives of the organisations.
They need to managed and treated properly. Managers are required to properly study and understand the nature of their different employees. It will help in developing better employee and employer relations. Productivity will eventually improve by properly understanding this element.
Structure is related to the roles and relationship of different individuals working in an organization. It is important that the roles and responsibility of each individual working in an organization should be defined clearly.
It avoids any confusion and leads to better efficiency of peoples working there. It enables the proper division of whole work and allocating right work to the right person.
Employees, when getting work as per their skill, achieve better efficiency and help in the attainment of goals in a better way. Therefore, the structure has an important role in developing the proper employer and employee relation network.
Technology is the one with the help of which employees are able to perform their task effectively. In its absences, it is difficult for employees to work with bare hands. Technology makes the task and work of people easy.
It includes different machines, methods, tools and resources. The requirement of technology depends upon the nature of work to be done and scale of operations.
Technology has an important role in improving the work quality and reducing the cost of production. However, the usage of technology puts certain restrictions on the freedom of people working. It requires different terms and conditions to be followed.
Environment is a crucial part of organisation behaviour. There are two types of environment within which organisation exist that is the internal environment and external environment.
Organisation can’t exist alone and is a part of large system containing numerous elements like society, family, government and other organisations.
Internal environment refers to organisation culture, its structure and its resources. Whereas the external environment includes various political, social, economic, cultural and technological factors. All these factors have different influence on the working of the organisation and need to be studied properly.
Goals of Organizational Behavior
Different goals of Organizational behavior are defined in points given below:-
To Describe Behavior
First goal of organizational behavior is to describe how human behaves under different conditions. Organizational behaviors collect and provide information which helps managers in communicating the varied behavioral aspects of humans. It enables in defining how people behave while performing their work under various conditions within organization.
To Understand Behavior
Understanding the human behavior is second important goal of organizational behavior. It finds out the reason why people behave in a different way under distinct working conditions in an organization. Organizational behavior finds out the reason for varied human actions.
To predict Behavior
Organizational behavior helps in predicting the future behavior of humans working within organization. By gathering information and understanding human behavior, it assists managers in knowing which employees are productive and which are non-productive. They can easily take actions to increase the efficiency by detecting and eliminating all those who are non-sincere or unproductive.
To Control Behavior
Controlling the employee’s behavior for enhancing their productivity is the final goal of organizational behavior. It guides managers how to motivate employees, enhance team work, reduce stress level and develop good friendly relations within work environment.